Tuesday 7 June 2011

Seat Distribution of DTU | Seat Matrix

Region-wise Allocation of Seats

The total no of seats  for the B.Tech. Courses will  be allocated region-wise as follows:

(i) Delhi Region
For students passing from the recognized Schools/Colleges/Institutions
located within the National Capital Territory of Delhi. 85%

(ii) Outside Delhi Region
For students passing from the recognized Schools/Colleges/Institutions
located outside the National Capital Territory of Delhi. 15%

Except for the Nominees of Govt. of India, the admission is open to Indian nationals only.

Here is Branch wise seat allocation

No.                 BRANCH NAME with NO. OF SEATS
1                          Automotive Engineering (AE)     75
2                          Bio-Technology (BT)                 26
3                          Civil Engineering (CE)                88
4                          Computer Engineering (COE)   113
5                          Environmental Engineering (ENE            38
6                          Electrical Engineering (EE)                    113
7                          Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)           75
8                          Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)  150
9                          Engineering Physics (EP)            75
10                         Information Technology (IT)      76
11                         Mechanical Engineering (ME)   150
12                         Polymer Science & Chemical Technology (PCT)  50
13                         Production & Industrial Engineering (PIE)             38
14                       Software Engineering (SE)                                      75        

Total number of Seats in DTU is 1218

· One seat over and above the normal intake is reserved for Kashmiri Migrants candidate
who have passed 10+2 from schools located in NCT of Delhi.

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