Monday 6 June 2011

College vs Branch Million Dollor Question

Now you are here because one question is eating you from inside which is " College vs Branch What I should prefer" This question is coming from years to years but no one is able to convince the student that which is better but here on student junction we will go deep into this.

College vs branch preferring one of them is very tough and many factors depends by which we should choose College or Branch.Like if you are interested in electronics and communication* but you are not getting very good colleges but you are getting that in moderate or not that good college then just ask yourself " Should Really want to Do Electronics and Communication* if the answer is yes then go for moderate college but if you are getting Lower branch in Good college then look at the various parameter of that branch i.e Scope in future,how is college doing in placement with that branch,do you think you can make interest in that branch and inside of you say yes then go for that branch in Good college.

It is generally seen that Lower Branch's of good colleges get good placement because Good college has a Good reputation. While if you think that I don't care about that world i just want my life as Electronics and communication Engineer if you very specific about your branch then Go for branch.

When to opt for Branch?

You should opt for branch when you very determined that you will do further studies on that branch if you planning for long term studies then go for branch because for that time placement for Undergraduate doesn't matter to you either you will do MBa,MTECH or any other course so you have chance that you can make up to good college.So these are the parameter which should be looked for Branch

When to opt for College?

You should opt for College when that college has very good placement in that specific branch which you are choosing, good reputation in world means alot to companies. I Give you an example "Have you ever thought that why all companies go to IIT NITs?" because of their reputation, students do Paper and pulp Engineering in IITs now why they choose that because they know that Choosing ECE in some avg college is not that good than the Choosing Paper and pulp engineering in IITs and most important thing is do talk to seniors who are doing the same engineering!

So these are the various parameter which should be looked when you are dealing with college vs branch in Btech..

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